
Emma's Pics

Sorry to double post, I decided tonigh to sort my pictures on my computer into better files so I can remember what happened when and found this slew of about 300 pictures that Emma had taken! First post is from the boys, but this one is all emma's. So interesting to view the world through their eyes! Try it sometimes, give your kids the camera to take pictures of whatever is most important to them, I have to say I was surprised and impressed.


Jess said...

those are some greast pictures! Good idea, I'll have to try it sometime. All I have to ask is: why are you on the roof?

Team Carter Jay said...

LOL at you on the roof. I was wondering what you were doing up there too. WOMAN POWER!

Tanya said...

OK so are you suicidal!!! Did you notice the HIGH voltage line behind you.... And hasn't your Mom told you not to use your teeth to open things?.. These are cute pictures!! Good Job Emma.
