
We did it!

So tonight I'm dreading bedtime because I know I need to put my foot down with Kyra again. I'm kind of avoiding it a bit and I let the kids stay up watching movies thinking I'll make sure she's REALLY tired before we try it again.

Kyra's sitting with me reading books and she hops down from my lap, goes to her bed and takes off her shoes, gets her favorite doll, and she climbs into bed!! No less than 2 minutes later and she falls totally sound asleep.

She did it all by herself. I didn't even kiss her goodnight! Now I'm torn because she no longer needs me but man was that ever nice to have her just go to bed on her own. No bedtime prayers, no cuddly kisses. When did my baby get so big?

1 comment:

Jess said...

Sounds like she's got it figured out. She's still your baby in other ways. I'm happy that she went to sleep so well for you.