
My crazy week

John took JT to Southern Utah for a biking trip with the scouts and had his own insane adventures, but while he was gone everything seemed to explode at our house!! Car died, Zeke ran off because he didn't want to do his chore, printer stopped working, kitchen ceiling fell in (ok, not all of it but still a big hunk on Sam's favorite cereal!). . .

Not sure if it's trials or just lack of being prepared, but it made for one crazy week. Now I'm in the beginning phases of siding the house. I've decided I can do it and will probably start on Monday or Tuesday. THe kids are excited and love that we have such a big new project to work on, I'm a bit nervous, but keep telling myself one board at a time . . .


Becky said...

That is such an adorable picture of Kyra you have on your blog. It sounds like you have quite the adventures. Good luck on siding your house.

Tanya said...

You are a tuff woman. I want to compliment you on your get to it attitude. Good Luck on your siding. I want more pictures.


Jess said...

you need to call your elder's quorum POST HASTE! They want to help you with your siding. Really, this is something you need help with. I know you are super woman! Asking for help is the hardest thing of all.
