So I decided it's time I'm in control a little more at our house, especially of the darling little two year old with the big blue eyes!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE supernanny and decided to try out her theory on her "sleep technique" tonight with Kyra.
I put her in bed and she stayed put! Ha! I thought I must be the best mom around, I didn't have to deal with tears! That is until her sippy cup was empty. . .
Out she crawled and I quickly picked her up, kissed her goodnight and put her back. Second time, said nothing (supernanny would be proud, I listened to her!) and put her back. Third time, the same, fourth . . .
You get the picture.
30 times of putting her in bed and she's still bouncing out and running as fast as she can to my arms.
40 rolled around and she was still laughing.
50 rolls around and she's taunting me "na, na, na, na, boo boo"
60 hits and she adds "you can't get me mommy" to her little taunt.
70 I start crying but won't let her see me.
75 she starts crying and I keep telling myself I can do it more because I'm not sure I really can and there's no one else here to tell me I can so I have to encourage myself.
Guess how many times it took?
78. No joke. I shouldn't have counted maybe, but I did. 78 times to of scooping up my warm smiling and giggly little girl to plop her back in bed between her dora dolls and pink blankets.
I'm not sure who I want everyone to be prouder of, her or me! Either way, we did it. Maybe tomorrow we can do it in half the times!