
Happy Birthday nana

My mom turned 63 today. I can't believe she's 63, that's almost 70 and 70 is almost 80. You get the picture. I suddenly realized that my moms isn't going to always be here. I depend on her, love her and most days need her to help me get through. We get on each other's nerves I'm sure I remind her of all the qualities she doesn't like so much in my dad, but I know she loves me and wants what's best for me. I know she loves my children and that makes me love her even more.

My little sister came up and surprised her for her birthday and we had the most fun I have had in a while. We laughed almost non stop for the 5 hours she stayed. The kids all got along great, the adults all reminisced and told stories and the food was absolutely amazing. Thanks chez papa!

Happy Birthday, Nana.

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