
Happy FALL

We took a trip to Black Island Farms last week during UEA and it couldn't have been a more perfect day!! The kids all had a great time trying to get lost in the corn maze, we all picked the biggest pumpkins our arms could carry and we had fun shooting corn cobs out into a corn field. We were thankful for "corn cops", who helped us find our way through the crazy maze. Sam went flying down the biggest slides, Zeke took extra special care of Kyra, and Emma was the best leader on the trails.

I could post 50+ pics of the fun we had but tried to keep it to our top 10 favs. . .


It snowed, it snowed, it SNOWED!!!!

It snowed today! What else can you possibly talk about on a day like this except for hot cocoa and a good book?


Happy Birthday nana

My mom turned 63 today. I can't believe she's 63, that's almost 70 and 70 is almost 80. You get the picture. I suddenly realized that my moms isn't going to always be here. I depend on her, love her and most days need her to help me get through. We get on each other's nerves I'm sure I remind her of all the qualities she doesn't like so much in my dad, but I know she loves me and wants what's best for me. I know she loves my children and that makes me love her even more.

My little sister came up and surprised her for her birthday and we had the most fun I have had in a while. We laughed almost non stop for the 5 hours she stayed. The kids all got along great, the adults all reminisced and told stories and the food was absolutely amazing. Thanks chez papa!

Happy Birthday, Nana.


why do Kings have servants?

Zeke:"Mom, do you know why King's have servants".

Mom:"Not really sure Zeke, let me think about it."

Zeke:"You don't have to think about it mom, I figured it out. King's have servants to pick stuff up for them."

Mom:"Aren't you lucky you learned to clean up after yourself? You have a great mom to teach you how to do things for yourself".

Zeke:"No, mom they CAN'T pick stuff up, if they did their crown would fall off of their head. It's all about the crown, mom, I figured it out."